Suburban Tales: Big Fat Spoilt Cat

Ever wondered what your pets really think about you? Or what the birds actually say to one another? Suburban Tales looks at life from the perspective of the birds and animals that inhabit our towns and cities. And some of them are not unlike us…

Teenager Cath loves her tabby cat. Her cat is the only one who truly understands her, right?

But if only Cath could hear exactly what her moggie is thinking…


Cat…Katy Walter

Cath…Ruby Robinson


Suburban Tales: The Forgotten

Ever wondered what your pets really think about you? Or what the birds actually say to one another? Suburban Tales looks at life from the perspective of the birds and animals that inhabit our towns and cities.

Pets just want to be loved. Pure and simple. But what happens when their owners stop loving them?

Was it something they did?


Dog…Tom Cridland

Cat…Maisy Tomblin

Rabbit…Dascha Vladimirova

Budgie…Katie Blair

Goldfish…Sam Chapman

Snake…Saul Rowe